General contractual terms and conditions for the provision of dental services 


1.   General terms and conditions

         1.1. Details of the dental office:

            - Name of the dental clinic: Johanna Dental Kft.

            - Name of the company operating the dental office: Johanna Dental Kft.

            - The headquarters of the company operating the dental clinic: 1039 Budapest, Árpád utca 54 b. intact. 1st em.

            - The location of the company operating the dental clinic: 1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 52.

            - Tax number of the company operating the dental clinic: 25752704-2-41

            - Company register number of the company operating the dental office: 01-10-041054

            - Bank account number of the company operating the dental office: 10403181-50526750-57851008

            - The name of the manager of the company operating the dental clinic: Jenő Malita

            - Place of use of the dental service: Hűvösvölgyi út 52, 1021 Budapest.

            - Office opening hours:

                   - Monday: 08:00-18:00

                   - Tuesday: 08:00-18:00

                   - Wednesday: 08:00-18:00

                   - Thursday: 08:00-18:00

                   - Friday: 08:00-18:00

                   - Saturday: closed

                   - Sunday: closed 

 - Phone number for advance registration for dental services: +36-1-701 2900

 - The e-mail address for advance registration for the use of the dental service is:

 - Availability of the clinic's website:

 - The GTC are available on the website:

 - Availability of the price list on the website:

 - Scope of the General Terms and Conditions: until withdrawn

1.2.   dental clinic Johanna Dental Kft. (hereinafter: Health Service Provider) and its Client (hereinafter: Customer/Patient/Patient/Treated/Provided) together with the Health Care -Provider and the Client: For the contract for the provision of dental services (hereinafter the Contract) concluded between the Parties (hereinafter: the Parties), in the absence of a written agreement of the Parties to the contrary, these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter : General Terms and Conditions) are governing.  

1.3.   By using the healthcare service, the Parties establish a contractual relationship with each other, for the provision of dental services to be performed against the payment of a commission fee. 


2.   Health service

 2.1.  The Health Service Provider provides dental services to the Customer under the conditions of current legislation, professional protocols, and these GTC:

          - Conservative dental interventions,

- Tooth retention treatments,

- Making dentures,

- Oral surgery interventions, 

- Endodontic interventions, 

- Dental implant,

- Aesthetic interventions, 

- Periodontal interventions,

- Clinical hygiene treatments

2.2.   Health Service Provider declares that he has the material and personal conditions necessary for the performance of the service, with regard to health care activities, general professional liability insurance for his activities and the appropriate official licenses. 

2.3.   When using the service, the Parties are obliged to cooperate. As part of the fulfillment of this obligation to cooperate, the Customer informs the Health Care Provider and his treating physician of all the circumstances and facts (in particular, any previous illness, medical treatment, taking medication or medicinal preparations, health-damaging risk factors) that are necessary for establishing the diagnosis, preparing the appropriate treatment plan and the interventions required to complete. The Customer's obligation to provide information covers all facts and circumstances related to his own illness (in particular infectious diseases, illnesses and conditions that prevent him from performing an occupation), which may endanger the life or physical integrity of others. If the Customer does not comply with the above obligation to provide information, or only partially complies, the Health Care Provider shall not be held professionally or financially responsible for the consequences of failure to do so.

3.   Procedure for using dental services

3.1.   In addition to complying with the legal and professional regulations governing its activities, the Health Service Provider performs dental interventions by using dentists with appropriate expertise and qualifications, specialist assistance and subcontractors and provides the necessary dental technology and other materials.

3.2.   The parties agree that the Healthcare Service Provider may also use subcontractors for the performance of dental services, whose mediated activities it is responsible for as if it had performed the activities entrusted to its subcontractors itself. 

3.3.   Use of the dental service requires prior registration. 

3.4.   The Customer is obliged to be in a suitable physical and mental state when using the healthcare service, otherwise the Healthcare Provider is entitled to refuse to provide the service.

3.5.   At least 10 minutes before the scheduled time, the Customer must indicate at the reception of the dental office that he has arrived to use the service.

3.6.   The Health Care Provider provides the requested dental service after registration, taking an anamnesis (only on the occasion of the first visit to the clinic or every visit to the clinic older than one year), as well as filling out the GDPR statement and recording the data.

3.7.   The Health Service Provider performs its dental activities based on a treatment plan and price quote.  The treatment plan is based on the recommendation of the Health Service Provider. If the treatment is started by the Health Care Provider, this means the approval of the Treatment Plan by the Client. The Health Care Provider has the right to independently deviate from the treatment plan, however, in case of major deviations, it is obliged to discuss it with the Customer in advance.

4.   Consideration for the service, terms of payment

4.1   The Customer is obliged to pay a fee to the Health Service Provider for services used on occasion. Current service fees for healthcare services are primarily available on the website of the Healthcare Provider. The Health Service Provider provides the Customer with information about the current fees at its reception in person and/or by telephone, as well as by e-mail. Upon request, the price list is also available in printed form in the office. The Customer acknowledges that individual treatments are customized, so their cost may differ from the list price, i.e. their purpose is primarily general information. The list prices cannot be considered as a price offer!

4.2.   The fees for the performed treatments are billed by the Health Service Provider at the prices specified in the treatment plan. This price may differ from the list price because the treatment plan includes a personalized quote.

 4.3.   The fee for the occasional treatment is to be paid on site after the treatment. Payment can be made in cash or by credit card. Payment by bank transfer is only possible for patients who regularly attend dental treatment and have been patients of the Health Service for at least 6 months. Payment by bank transfer is not allowed for first treatments.

4.4.   In the case of work requiring a background in dental technology, payment is made in two parts: 50% of the total amount at the time of taking the impression, and the remaining part after the final trial, before gluing. The first part (50%) of the work is the cost of the dental technique and impression taking, and if, after taking the impression, the patient decides that he does not want to continue his dental work (he wants to stop), he is not entitled to get back the cost of the 50% part paid.

4.5.   The Health Service Provider reserves the right to charge an advance in the event of booking appointments in the future. The deposit can be deducted from the treatment costs.

4.6.   In certain cases, the Health Care Provider reserves the right to ask for the full amount to be paid in advance before starting the treatment.

4.7.   The Customer can cancel or modify the treatment free of charge on the working day before the treatment day (until 10 a.m.). If the Customer does not cancel the appointment until the previous day, or does not show up, he is obliged to pay the availability fee listed in the Price List, if he cannot officially prove his inability to do so.

4.8.   Price change and validity of the offer:

a) The price offer issued by the Health Service Provider is valid for the period indicated on it. If no separate validity period is indicated on the quotation, the quotation is valid for 60 days from the date of issue.

b) After the validity period of the price offer expires, the Healthcare Provider is entitled to change the fees. The new prices come into effect when the offer is renewed.

c) The Health Care Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify its general price list at any time. The new price list enters into force after publication on its website and applies to price offers given after publication.

d) The prices included in the already accepted and valid treatment plan and quotation remain valid for the given series of treatments within the validity period indicated on the quotation, except in the following cases:

- Unforeseen complications arise during treatment;

- A change occurs in the patient's state of health that significantly affects the course of treatment;

- At the patient's request, the treatment plan is substantially modified;

- The purchase price of raw materials or services changes significantly (by more than 14%).

e) The Health Care Provider is obliged to inform the patient in advance, in writing, of any intention to change the price affecting the already accepted and valid price offer. The patient has the right to accept or reject the modified prices. In case of rejection, the parties can jointly decide to modify the treatment plan or terminate the contract.

f) In the case of emergency interventions that were not included in the original treatment plan, the Healthcare Provider will charge the fee based on its current price list, of which the patient will be informed as soon as possible given the circumstances.

4.9.   The Health Care Provider issues an invoice at the end of each treatment(s). By signing the invoice, the Customer certifies the performance of the Healthcare Provider and receipt of the invoice by signing. The Healthcare Provider is entitled to send the invoice and its attachments to the Customer by post. If the Customer refuses to issue the certificate of completion, the Health Care Provider is entitled to claim the fee for the health care service it provides from the Customer through litigation.

4.10.   n all cases where the invoice is not settled at the time of service (payment by bank transfer, financing by an insurance company, etc.), the Customer is obliged to fulfill his payment obligation by the payment deadline according to the invoice and to settle the amount specified in the invoice in full. By signing the Service Contract, the Customer undertakes to provide a surety for the insurance payment obligation indicated by the customer, for the insurance's performance in accordance with the contract. 

4.11.   In case of late payment of the service fee, the Customer is obliged to pay 10% annual interest on late payment to the Health Care Provider, calculated from the date of delay until the date of fulfillment of the payment obligation. In the event of a payment delay, the Healthcare Provider is entitled to enforce its claim against the Customer through litigation, and may use all available legal means to enforce its claim. Any additional costs incurred in relation to claim enforcement shall be borne by the Customer. 

4.12.   In case of payment delay, the Health Care Provider - with the exception of emergency care - is also entitled to refuse to provide any further health care services to the Customer, regardless of whether they are part of an already ordered Treatment Plan or independent services. If the Customer misses the payment deadline, the Service Agreement is automatically terminated. The Health Care Provider is entitled to refuse any further treatment for the Customer.

4.13.   The invoices issued by the Health Care Provider for service fees in accordance with the provisions of these GTC shall include the method and deadline for fulfilling the payment obligation in accordance with the accounting and tax legislation in force on the date of the invoice. If, due to a change in legislation that occurred between the start of service provision and the date of the invoice, the invoice must contain other data unknown to the Healthcare Provider, the Customer is obliged to provide the Healthcare Provider with the missing data immediately in order to comply with the accounting rules.

The Health Care Provider invoices the health care services to the Customer free of VAT, and also includes VAT-free fees in its current fee schedule (except for those services that are subject to VAT and where the fee schedule itself indicates the amount of VAT). If, as a result of a possible change in legislation, the VAT-free services indicated in the fee table would be included in the VAT scope, the Healthcare Provider is entitled to increase the amount of the service fee indicated in the Service Agreement by the amount of VAT for the services that have already been ordered, but not yet performed and invoiced, and the Customer is also obliged to pay a service fee increased by this VAT amount.

4.14.  The service fee includes the Healthcare Provider's fee and all its costs, i.e. the Healthcare Provider may not request additional fees or reimbursement from the Customer in addition to the provisions of these GTC.

5.   Warranty provisions

5.1.   The Health Care Provider only guarantees the dental treatments performed by its dentists in its dental office and the dentures delivered by them to the Customer in accordance with the conditions and restrictions set out in Appendix No. 4.

5.2.   The Customer is obliged to notify the Health Care Provider in writing of any quality complaints within the warranty period immediately after detection. In order to investigate the objection, the customer is obliged to appear for a control examination, to make the objectionable denture available to the Healthcare Provider, and to provide all information and data related to the complaint. The parties take minutes of the investigation. If the Customer's quality objection is well-founded, the Healthcare Service Provider is obliged to declare within 5 working days from the inspection of the objected work whether it can satisfy the Customer's legally asserted repair and replacement demand within another 15 working days. If the Health Service Provider is released from its warranty obligation, or the complaint cannot be investigated, the Health Service Provider will not accept a complaint.

5.3.   In the event of a dental technical defect - if the warranty conditions are met - the Healthcare Provider bears the dental and dental technical costs related to the repair/replacement based on the "Rules of Warranty Periods and Warranty Conditions" in Appendix No. 4 of the General Terms and Conditions. The place of repair/replacement is the dental office of the Health Service. The Health Service Provider's authorization does not cover the reimbursement of services used at other dentists or the reimbursement of travel expenses.

5.4.   The Health Service Provider's obligation to repair under warranty or for other reasons is not covered in the following cases:

- For temporary solutions used during the treatment process (temporary fillings, crowns, adhesives, etc.);

- For errors and damages that are caused by improper use or accidents or extreme force;

- For errors, injuries and oral hygiene deficiencies that can be determined as a result of the Patient not following the instructions of the Health Care Provider;

- During the warranty period, the Patient does not appear for the prescribed annual control examination and at least one dental cleaning performed by a dental hygienist every six months (otherwise, the frequency of teeth cleaning will be shown in the warranty card);

- For the deterioration of the Patient's health and the resulting failure of the implant material caused by the Patient's lifestyle, bad habits (e.g. teeth grinding) or illness

- The Patient's complaint is a complication that occurs as a possible consequence of the treatment as accepted by the profession (e.g. the need for root canal treatment after a filling or other treatment affecting the tooth);

- The Patient did not use the recommended treatments, the complaint is the result of the unfinished treatment series;

- Complaints resulting from the Patient's inadequate oral hygiene, smoking, alcohol consumption or the effects of drugs or medication;

- In the event of a significant change in the Patient's weight;

- Metabolic diseases (especially bone metabolism diseases, diabetes), in case of other serious general diseases;

- During the treatment or after the treatment, the Patient receives dental treatment or dental technical work from another service provider in the given area; or if another service provider makes any modifications to the work performed by the Health Service Provider, which is the subject of the warranty;  or if another service provider, during or after the treatment, performs any dental treatment for the Patient, which may affect the operation or lifespan of the denture that is the subject of the warranty.

- f you report the quality objection within the deadline, but do not allow the objection to be investigated or remedied, do not appear for control examinations or treatment, do not make the denture available to the service provider;

5.5.  The Customer declares that he has read and understood the warranty conditions of the Health Service Provider specified in Appendix No. 4 of these General Terms and Conditions for the dental services he provides, and that he accepts them as binding on him and undertakes to comply with what is described there.

6.   Provisions related to the rights and obligations of Customers

6.1.  The Customer has the right to receive information about the treating physician(s) providing care. In order to provide efficient and professional care, the Health Service Provider uses a predefined division of labor in its treatment plans, which takes into account the specialist areas and experience of the doctors. This division of labor ensures the most suitable expertise for each intervention, as well as enabling faster appointments and sometimes more favorable prices.

- By accepting the treatment plan, the Customer agrees to this division of labor. The Customer has the right to ask questions about the appointed doctor(s) and, in justified cases, may request the appointment of another doctor, if this is professionally possible. However, the Customer must be aware that changing the person of the doctor may result in changes to the treatment plan and the price quote, as there may be differences between the list prices of treatments performed by individual doctors. The right to choose a doctor can be exercised in accordance with the operating procedures, professional protocols and pricing policy of the Health Service Provider.

- The list of the treating physicians of the Health Service Provider and their position according to their specialty can be found on the website of the Service Provider and in the clinic. If the Customer wishes to request the participation of a specific doctor during the healthcare service he wishes to use, he must indicate this at the time of booking, taking into account that doctors' schedules and areas of expertise may differ. In any case, the Customer must inform himself in advance about possible price differences if he chooses a different doctor than the one recommended in the original treatment plan.

6.2.   A Customer with a serious condition has the right to have the person designated by him/her stay by his/her side. The Customer is in a serious condition, unable to take care of himself physically due to his condition, and his pain cannot be relieved with medication, or he is in a psychological crisis.

6.3.   The minor Customer has the right to be accompanied by his or her parent, legal representative, or the person designated by him or his legal representative.

6.4.   The person designated by the Client with a serious condition, the minor or his legal representative, as well as the legal representatives are obliged to comply with the Health Care Provider's operating rules.

6.5.   The Customer is entitled to complete information provided to him in an individualized form. The provisions of the 1997 CLIV Act on Health Care (hereinafter: Health Care Act) apply to the Customer's right to information. The Health Service Provider states that it can provide the information to the Customer either verbally or in writing, according to its own choice.

6.6.   The Customer acknowledges that the Health Service Provider provides the information depending on the service package chosen by the Customer enter in Hungarian or English. If, depending on the chosen service package, or based on the Customer's request, it becomes necessary to use an interpreter or a sign interpreter for the information, it is the Customer's responsibility to select and commission this person. 

6.7.   The Customer is obliged to bear the fees and costs of this. The Health Care Provider does not assume any responsibility for the behavior and activities of the interpreter.

By receiving the Treatment Plan, the medical documentation prepared and handed over to him for the individual tests performed, or the invoice, the Customer acknowledges that he has received the required and appropriate and satisfactory information from the Health Care Provider or the person acting on its behalf. The Healthcare Provider sends invoices to the Customer by e-mail by default. If requested by the Customer, we will also provide the invoice in printed form.

6.8.   An able-bodied Customer may waive information, unless the Customer's nature must be known in order not to endanger the health of others. If the intervention takes place at the Customer's initiative and for non-therapeutic purposes, the waiver of information is only valid in writing.

6.9.   The Customer has the right to self-determination. Within this framework, the Customer can freely decide whether he wishes to use the healthcare services of the Healthcare Provider, and which interventions he agrees to perform and which he refuses. However, the Customer's decision does not affect the Customer's obligation to pay fees for the services already performed by the Health Care Provider or started to be performed, the consideration of which the Customer must reimburse the Health Care Provider.

6.10.   The Customer has the right to participate in decisions concerning its investigation and treatment. The condition for the Health Care Provider to carry out any health care intervention is that the Customer gives appropriate consent based on prior information, free from deception, threats and coercion. 

The Customer may give this consent verbally, in writing and by implied behavior, unless otherwise provided by law. 

6.11.   Invasive interventions require the Customer's written statement, or - if he is unable to do so - in the presence of two witnesses, verbally or otherwise.

6.12.   In the absence of the Client's consent required for the intervention, or in case of refusal to give it, the Health Care Provider is entitled to refuse to perform the health intervention and withdraw from the concluded service contract. 

6.13.   The Customer may withdraw his consent to perform the intervention at any time, but in case of withdrawal without good reason, he is obliged to reimburse the resulting and justified costs of the Healthcare Service Provider.

6.14.   When using the health service, the Customer is obliged to respect the relevant legislation and the operating rules of the Health Service Provider, as well as the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

6.15.   The Customer - if his state of health allows this - is obliged to cooperate with the Health Care Provider and its employees contributing to its care, including:

- to inform them of everything that is necessary to establish the diagnosis, prepare the appropriate treatment plan and carry out the interventions, including in particular any previous illnesses, medical treatment, taking medicine or medicinal products, health-damaging risk factors,

- to inform them - in connection with your own illness - about everything that could endanger the life or physical health of others, so in particular about infectious diseases and illnesses and conditions that preclude the performance of the occupation,

- to inform them of all the legal declarations he has made in the past concerning health care,

- to comply with the provisions received from them regarding your medical treatment,

- to comply with the Health Service Provider's operating rules,

- to pay the fee for the service provided by the Health Care Provider,

- verify your personal data as required by law.

6.16.  In the event of a breach of the obligations specified in this point, as well as the provisions of these GTC, the Customer is obliged to reimburse the Health Care Provider for all damages and the costs of the Health Care Provider's claim enforcement without delay. The Health Care Provider excludes its responsibility for any damages and consequences that the Customer may suffer as a result of violating the obligations specified in this point or the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

6.17.   The Health Care Provider reserves the right to refuse to provide further services to the Customer until the Customer's obligations listed in this section are violated, and to withdraw from the service contract concluded with it. In this case, the Health Care Provider will refer the Customer to another Health Care Provider.

6.18.   The Health Care Provider reserves the right to refuse treatment to the Customer in the following cases:

- If the Customer's behavior interferes with the operation of the clinic, for example due to continuous complaints, impolite or aggressive behavior.

- If the Customer does not comply with the rules and instructions set by the Health Care Provider, or repeatedly does not appear at the pre-arranged times, is unreasonably late, or does not cancel his reservations in time.

- If the Customer is not suitable for the treatment according to the professional judgment of the Health Service Provider, and does not comply with his obligation to cooperate, especially if he does not disclose his previous illnesses, medication habits or any relevant information regarding his health condition.

- If the Client does not sign the treatment plan or consent forms that are required for certain treatments.

- If the Customer's expectations are unrealistic, which the Health Care Provider cannot fulfill.

In such cases, the Healthcare Provider is entitled to modify the Client's treatment plan, withdraw from the contract, and refer the Client to another healthcare provider.

6.19.   When exercising their rights, the Client and his relatives are obliged to respect the rights of other Clients, and the exercise of their rights must not violate the rights of healthcare workers under the law.

7.   Data protection, information, confidentiality

7.1   The Health Care Provider handles the personal data acquired during the performance of the Services in accordance with the provisions of the Health Care Provider's Data Management Regulations in force at all times. When developing its regulations, the Healthcare Provider took into account in particular Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), and CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information. Act ("Infotv.") and the "special" sector regulations for the treatment of health data. Its data management is governed by the Data Protection Principles.

7.2.   The Health Service Provider undertakes not to disclose the Customer's data to third parties, only in the cases and in the manner specified by law.

7.3.  The Health Care Provider publishes its Data Management information on its website, and it is also available at the clinic's reception.

7.4.  The Health Service Provider posts the information on patient rights and its Complaint Handling Regulations in the customer waiting room. According to the information contained in the patient rights information, the Customer can file a complaint and seek legal redress for injuries suffered by the Health Care Provider during its activities. By signing the Service Agreement, the Customer declares that he has read, familiarized himself with, and understood the information on patient rights and the Health Service Provider's Complaint Handling Regulations. 

7.5.   The Health Care Provider and the Customer are responsible for any damage that results from the violation of their data management and confidentiality obligations contained in these GTC.

8.   Creation and termination of the individual service contract

8.1.   By reserving the appointment, the Health Care Provider only undertakes that a doctor designated by him will be available to the Customer at the indicated time and will examine the Customer from the point of view of whether he is fit to use the health service he wishes to use based on his health condition. To use the health service, an order and the signing of the Service Agreement (Treatment Plan) are required. Regarding the Customer's order and its possible forms, the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall govern.

8.2.   With regard to the activity performed by the Health Care Provider and the doctors employed by it, and its nature, the Health Care Provider notes that in certain unforeseen cases, the doctor appointed by it may be prevented from being available to the Customer and examining him at the pre-arranged time. In this case, the Health Care Provider undertakes to contact the Customer immediately after learning about the obstruction of the appointed doctor by using one of the contact details provided by the Customer and to inform him - at the agreed time on site at the latest - of the obstruction of the appointed doctor, and that whether he can arrange for a substitute doctor at the agreed time, and whether the Customer accepts this substitute person. If the Health Service Provider is unable to provide a substitute doctor, or if the Client does not accept his person, the parties are obliged to agree on a new date. The Customer cannot claim any compensation due to the date change for the above reason. 

In view of the fact that the Customer examination takes place continuously in the medical offices operated by the Health Service Provider, there may be a delay in the start of the 8.3.   Customer examination compared to the previously agreed time. The Customer cannot claim any compensation due to the medical examination starting later than this time. If the Customer shows up for the medical examination at the pre-arranged time, but cannot wait for the actual medical examination due to the possible waiting time, and indicates this to the representative of the Health Service Provider on the spot, in that case the availability fee due to the failed medical examination must be paid not obliged.

8.4.   If the Customer shows up at the clinic late compared to the pre-arranged time and the delay does not exceed 15 minutes, the Health Care Provider will carry out the agreed medical examination, provided that the expected duration of the examination, including the Customer's delay, does not exceed 30 minutes . If the Customer's delay exceeds 15 minutes, or the expected duration of the agreed medical examination exceeds 30 minutes including the Customer's delay, the Health Care Provider is not obliged to perform the agreed medical examination. In this case, the Customer must arrange a new date with the Health Care Provider, or - in the case of an express offer of the Health Care Provider in this direction, depending on the order of medical examinations planned on the given day - can wait for the end of the order period, when the Health Care Provider can queue up the medical for examination. In no case can the Customer claim any compensation.

8.5.   The individual Service contract comes into force upon signing the quotation/Management Plan. The contract is for a fixed period, which can be extended by signing a new Management Plan. If the validity period is not specified separately on the Treatment Plan, it is valid for 60 days. The service contract between the Health Service Provider and the Customer is created by the use of the service (implicit behavior) with the content according to the General Terms and Conditions, even if the Treatment Plan, thus the contract itself, is not signed for some reason. In this case, the validity of the contract is also 60 days.

8.6.   The contract is terminated:

- by mutual agreement of the parties,

- upon the death of the Customer,

- with the termination of the Health Service Provider without a legal successor,

- in case of revocation of the Health Service Provider's operating license,

- with normal notice,

- with immediate effect,

- by fulfilling the contract.

- upon expiry of the validity period of the quotation.

8.7.   Upon termination of the contract, the Customer is obliged to release the Health Care Provider from its obligations towards third parties. In the event of the termination of the contract, the parties and their legal successors shall have an appropriate settlement with respect to the ordered or already performed services, during which the Customer or his legal successor is obliged to reimburse the Healthcare Service Provider or his legal successor for the consideration of the already performed healthcare services.

8.8.   The Customer may terminate the Service Agreement at any time with immediate effect, but is obliged to fulfill the obligations already assumed by the Health Care Provider (e.g. he is obliged to reimburse the value of the intermediary services already ordered by the Health Care Provider).

The Health Care Provider has the right to terminate the Service Agreement at any time and is obliged to refer the Customer to another health care provider.

8.9.   If the Customer violates any provision of the Service Agreement or these Terms and Conditions, the Health Care Provider is entitled to terminate the Service Agreement with immediate effect. In the event of termination of the Service Agreement for this reason, the Healthcare Provider shall be entitled to a failure penalty in the amount of 50% of the service fee of the healthcare services ordered by the Customer (treatments in progress), which shall be paid by the Customer within 8 days of receipt of the Healthcare Provider's termination notice. , must be paid in one sum by bank transfer.


9.   Miscellaneous Provisions

9.1.   The person authorized to sign the Service Agreement on behalf of the Health Care Provider and the employee authorized by him in this regard are entitled to sign the Service Contract on behalf of the Health Care Provider.

9.2.   By signing the Service Contract or the order for the Healthcare Provider's healthcare service, the Customer acknowledges that he has read, studied and understood the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions before concluding the contract, and accepts them as binding on him.

9.3.   These Terms and Conditions, the Customer Card, the Medical History, the Treatment Plan and the Service Agreement together comprise the contractual agreements between the Patient and the Health Care Provider.

9.4.   The parties may amend the Service Agreement - unless otherwise provided in these GTC - only by mutual agreement, in writing, and must make their declarations related to the contract in writing, except for those cases where either the law or these GTC allow oral legal declarations to be made.

9.5.   All written dispatches sent by one Party to the other Party on the basis of this contract ("Dispatch") must be considered delivered if they are personally delivered to the other Party, and if the other Party sends them by post, fax or e-mail It was verifiably sent to the address specified in the contract, and it was verifiably received by the recipient.

9.6.   Shipments addressed to the Health Care Provider must be sent to the contact details provided in these Terms and Conditions. The Consignment shall be considered delivered:

- in the case of personal delivery upon receipt,

- in the case of postal delivery - if the party does not receive it with a notification of "unclaimed", "addressee unknown", "moved" - on the 5th working day after the postal - --- delivery, otherwise on the actual day of receipt, certified by a receipt,

- in the case of e-mail, on the day on which the receiving Party confirmed receipt.

9.7.   The Customer and the Health Care Provider can jointly initiate the settlement of the legal dispute within the framework of a mediation procedure to resolve the legal dispute between them out of court. The composition of the mediation council and the rules of the mediation procedure are regulated by a separate law (Act CXVI of 2000).

9.8.   In matters not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions and the individual service contract, Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.), CLIV of 1997 on health. Act and the provisions of other Hungarian legislation, professional rules, protocols, and other medical regulations are applicable.

9.9.   The Health Care Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the General Terms and Conditions at any time, but is obliged to publish the fact of the amendment and the amended General Terms and Conditions on its website. Amendments to these Terms and Conditions do not affect the previously concluded Service Agreement.

Validity: 01.01.2023

Appendix No. 4: Warranty periods and warranty conditions

Type of treatment

Warranty period (year)


Aesthetic filling

Cervical filling

Inlay, onlay

Ceramic crown, bridge

Zircon crown, bridge

Implant surgery phase

Implant prosthetic phase

Full set of teeth

Partial denture

Combined dentures











Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual control and half-yearly teeth cleaning

Annual lining and control

Annual lining and control

Annual lining and control

Exclusionary reasons and additional conditions

They are not covered by such a guarantee:

- Temporary prosthesis, crown or bridge

- Temporary filling

- Bone replacement (own bone replacement, lateral augmentation, sinus lift)

- Teeth whitening procedures

- Damage caused by physical force on a tooth (teeth grinding)

- Consequences after treatment of allergies or other dental diseases

- Denture color or shape chosen incorrectly by the patient

- Unforeseen need for root canal treatment during/after crown and/or bridge preparation

- Dental problems that were not visible on the patient's radiographs and were not foreseeable or predictable when planning treatment.


The Health Care Provider reserves the right to reduce the warranty period on a case-by-case basis if you experience a serious health problem that adversely affects the condition of your teeth. The decrease in the validity of the guarantee is recorded in the treatment plan, which is approved by the patient.